With the ever growing number of iPads and iDevices in our school systems, it makes Apple TV a very interesting and valuable tool to engage students and aid in our ever changing information delivery. So what is Apple TV? Apple TV is a little black box that attaches to a TV or projector (via HDMI cable) to display various information. It allows users to stream content from the iTunes library and other third party sites such as, Youtube. However as an educator the big appeal to me is the ability to mirror my 'teaching' iPad or that of any of my students. This mirroring allows for a vast array of collective and collaborative learning. In an instant I can have a students answer or work displayed to others in the class, or to show projects and assignments. It also allows for me to bring 21st century teaching easily into the hands of my students with access to online content as well as pre created. For all of these reason I would highly recommend the $109 investment for Apple TV if you have iOS devices in the classroom.