I have notice over the past few months a growing trend in many schools. Too many are purchasing technology that has limited function. I see more Elmo's and Ladybugs then ever before. For those of you who don't know what a Ladybug or Elmo is they are a document camera thats main function is to display objects (books, texts, etc) in real time via computer projector. This in itself is great to have this ability but, it is hardly cutting edge tech, not to mention one dimensional. For a similar cost (and in some cases less) a tablet, such as the iPad would do the exact same thing but also function as a multi- purpose tool. The iPad has a built in camera that can stream live content, it can video record for those students who want to revisit the lesson/demo and lets not forget once you are done using it as a document camera it can then be used within the class as another tool (word processing, research tool, presentation, etc). I have seen make shift stands for the iPad but you can also by stands that will clip to virtually anything. See below.
The next time your school is looking to buy some technology look at the bigger picture and see how else the tool could function.
Twelve South Hover Bar Stand for iPad
The next time your school is looking to buy some technology look at the bigger picture and see how else the tool could function.
Twelve South Hover Bar Stand for iPad