This past week, I was honoured and nominated for the Sunshine Blog Award 2013. Thanks to Kyle Pearce (@MathletePearce) for the nomination. I was fortunate enough to meet Kyle this fall at Apple’s ‘Train the Trainer’ session in Toronto. Since then, I have enjoyed getting to know and bouncing ideas off of Kyle. He is a phenomenal educator and well worth the follow on twitter and don’t forget to stop by his blog @ Tap into Teen Minds
So what is a Sunshine Blog Award? A nomination requires some reflecting and some fun at the same time. The requirements include:
11 Random Facts About @itechteach
Answer the Following 11 Questions the nominating blogger has created for you:
My Sunshine Award Blogger Nominees:
Kristen Wideen (@mrswideen) - Mrs. Wideen’s Blog
Michelle Cordy (@cordym) - Hacks the Classroom with Technology
Megan Valois (@msvalois) -
Carrie Baughchum (@carriebaughcum)
Tanya Avrith (@edtechschools) -
Jocelyn Schmidt (@MsSchmidt_YR) -
Doug Pete (@dougpete)
Matt Gomez (@mattBgomez) -
Paul Yip (@DarthMacGoogle) -
Rod Murry (@mrmuzzdog) -
Shauna Pollock (@misspollock) -
So what is a Sunshine Blog Award? A nomination requires some reflecting and some fun at the same time. The requirements include:
- Acknowledging the nominating blogger(s),
- Share 11 random facts about yourself,
- Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you,
- List 11 bloggers you believe deserve some recognition and a little “link-juice,”
- Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and notify them.
11 Random Facts About @itechteach
- My wife’s name is Susie and we met in second year university @ the University of Waterloo
- We are expecting our first child this March!!
- My wife and I both graduated the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa in 2007.
- My favorite thing to do is spending time at our cottage - No internet, No cellphone reception… off the grid and I love it!
- I love woodworking and building stuff!
- I hate small spaces - claustrophobic
- Love traveling and experiencing new cultures.
- If it’s a sport I will play it… sorry baseball you’re only a ‘pastime’
- I often fall asleep listening to the soft tones of Peter Mansbridge's voice on CBC’s The National
- I love DIY home renovations, but I hate to paint.
- Enjoy photography
Answer the Following 11 Questions the nominating blogger has created for you:
- What is your favorite movie of all time? Any of the Bourne series
- If you could have attended any concert anytime in history, what would it have been? Woodstock… for the party of course!
- What do you do for fun? Hobby? Playing sports/Being outdoors
- What two guests would make the best comedic pair as co-hosts for the Oscars? I don’t really follow Hollywood, but if I had to choose, Russell Peters and Will Ferrell
- Cat, Dog or Goldfish? Why? As pets? As tattoos? Allergic to cats... and goldfish can’t do any tricks… so dogs!
- How do you caffeinate? Jasmine tea in the morning and from time to time a nice piping hot vanilla Latte from @Starbucks
- Favorite twitter chat? #cdnedchat
- Best place you ever vacationed? Iceland - never seen a cleaner place in this world!
- Best book you’ve read in 2013? Hmm… Steve Jobs - an interesting man
- Favorite television shows? The Wire
- What is one thing you never/rarely share that you are exceptionally proud of? My Wife
My Sunshine Award Blogger Nominees:
Kristen Wideen (@mrswideen) - Mrs. Wideen’s Blog
Michelle Cordy (@cordym) - Hacks the Classroom with Technology
Megan Valois (@msvalois) -
Carrie Baughchum (@carriebaughcum)
Tanya Avrith (@edtechschools) -
Jocelyn Schmidt (@MsSchmidt_YR) -
Doug Pete (@dougpete)
Matt Gomez (@mattBgomez) -
Paul Yip (@DarthMacGoogle) -
Rod Murry (@mrmuzzdog) -
Shauna Pollock (@misspollock) -