I must admit, it has taken me a little while to fully understand and embrace Twitter. I have heard for some time how great of a tool Twitter was, but I never really fully embraced it until this past year. I am so thankful I did!
Twitter has opened up so many doors for me as an educator. It has given me a great network of like minded people to bounce ideas off of. It has kept me current with educational pedagogy and best practices. It has also given me a place to 'borrow' ideas and see what others are doing in their schools around the world.
I was recently blown away by the power of this tool. A few weeks ago I was working with a school looking to implement Bring Your Own Device/Technology (BYOD/BYOT). I had read some things about BYOD and had some general ideas and guidelines to help the school, but I wanted to offer them more. I wanted to show them some samples of what other schools were doing. So I reached out to my Tweeps (Twitter People) and asked for help! I was amazed at how many people responded and retweeted my request for help. Within the next two hours, my phone blew up with messages from people all over the world giving me ideas, suggestions and tools. I must give a shoutout to Michelle Cordy (@cordym) for asking all her followers to 'help a brother out'. Did they ever! It was the willingness of others such as, @BYOTNetwork and @JdFerries, to offer their material and help a complete stranger that amazed me the most. So thank you to all who helped this brother out! I just hope I am able to do the same for you some day. Or in the words of @ShawnMcCuske #Sharingiscaring
Twitter has opened up so many doors for me as an educator. It has given me a great network of like minded people to bounce ideas off of. It has kept me current with educational pedagogy and best practices. It has also given me a place to 'borrow' ideas and see what others are doing in their schools around the world.
I was recently blown away by the power of this tool. A few weeks ago I was working with a school looking to implement Bring Your Own Device/Technology (BYOD/BYOT). I had read some things about BYOD and had some general ideas and guidelines to help the school, but I wanted to offer them more. I wanted to show them some samples of what other schools were doing. So I reached out to my Tweeps (Twitter People) and asked for help! I was amazed at how many people responded and retweeted my request for help. Within the next two hours, my phone blew up with messages from people all over the world giving me ideas, suggestions and tools. I must give a shoutout to Michelle Cordy (@cordym) for asking all her followers to 'help a brother out'. Did they ever! It was the willingness of others such as, @BYOTNetwork and @JdFerries, to offer their material and help a complete stranger that amazed me the most. So thank you to all who helped this brother out! I just hope I am able to do the same for you some day. Or in the words of @ShawnMcCuske #Sharingiscaring